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For those unfamiliar, it's a simple concept of offering a centralised reward system that mimics a currency redeemable only for things on The Prize Wall.

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Zombicide 2nd Ed Survival Sessions

Join us for 6 sessions of Zombicide 2nd Edition this Spring. 

We'll be running through the missions sequentially from the first session and look forward to seeing how many our community can get through in over the course of the 6 sessions we initially have planned. Whether you're an old pro from the first edition days, another version entirely, or just like the idea of a co-operative zombie survival game you are most welcome to join in the crazy fun!

We will be playing with the rules as stated in the rulebook (don't worry we'll help you learn if needed), with the following 2 exceptions:

1) Survivor play order will be decided by the group each turn rather than sticking to clockwise starting with whoever has the first player marker 

2) When a Survivor dies they will no longer be an available choice for play! We have all the Survivor's from the Kickstarter so there will plenty of options so this will be a thematic way to try a loa of them out as well as adding just a hint of extra concern during gameplay... will this mission be the last, or perhaps the beginning of a storied saga?

For those with the experience, interest and time to form the 'perfect' Survivor group, you can strategise by checking out the Survivors and Skills list here - made by BoardGameGeek user RogalDorn  

Survivor list (struck survivors are already dead):

  1. Achille
  2. Adam
  3. Adriana
  4. Amado
  5. Amy
  6. Amy
  7. Amy
  8. Andrea
  9. Angelo
  10. Angry Mary
  11. Anton
  12. Ashley
  13. Audrey
  14. Azaghal
  15. Bagby
  16. Bam-Byron
  17. Bastian
  18. Bear
  19. Belle
  20. Ben
  21. Benny
  22. Big Devil
  23. Bill
  24. Billie
  25. Bones
  26. Brad
  27. Brother Max
  28. Bruin
  29. Bunny G
  30. Carol
  31. Carson
  32. Carter
  33. Cat
  34. Cathy
  35. Chaz
  36. Chaz
  37. Chuck
  38. Clarice
  39. Claudia
  40. Claudia
  41. Clerk
  42. Curro
  43. Dakota
  44. Dale
  45. Dan
  46. Danny Trejo
  47. Dave
  48. Dave
  49. Derek
  50. Dick
  51. Doc
  52. Don
  53. Donna
  54. Doria
  55. Doud
  56. Doug
  57. Doug
  58. Doug
  59. Dylan
  60. El Cholo
  61. El Cholo
  62. Elena
  63. Elle
  64. Elsa
  65. Erin
  66. Eva
  67. Felix
  68. Frank
  69. Fred
  70. Gabriel
  71. Gary
  72. Gilly
  73. Glenn
  74. Grace
  75. Grindlock
  76. Hayden
  77. Helen
  78. Hellen
  79. Her Royal Majesty
  80. Hudson
  81. Hunter
  82. Igor
  83. Isaac
  84. Ivy
  85. Ivy
  86. James
  87. Jane
  88. Javier
  89. Jay
  90. Jeff
  91. Jesse
  92. Joe
  93. John Doe
  94. Johnny Law
  95. Josh
  96. Josh
  97. Josh
  98. Joshua
  99. Jovem Nerd
  100. Julien
  101. Justin
  102. Kabir
  103. Karl
  104. Kevin
  105. Kiki
  106. Kim
  107. Kirk
  108. Kris
  109. Kyoko
  110. Lateesha
  111. Laura
  112. Laurie
  113. Lea
  114. Leah
  115. Leroy
  116. Lil' Will
  117. Lili
  118. Liv
  119. Lizzie
  120. Logan
  121. Lou
  122. Louise
  123. Lucius
  124. Luke
  125. Mack
  126. Maddie
  127. Maki
  128. Marian
  129. Mark
  130. Marvin
  131. Marvin
  132. Mason
  133. Matt
  134. Michelle
  135. Mike
  136. Mindy
  137. Miss Trish
  138. Mitch
  139. Mona
  140. Mr Phal
  141. Ned
  142. Ned
  143. Ned
  144. Neema
  145. Nick
  146. Nick
  147. Nico
  148. Nikki
  149. Odin
  150. Oksana
  151. Ostara
  152. Padre Johnson
  153. Parker
  154. Patrick
  155. Paul
  156. Peach
  157. Phil
  158. Phil
  159. Phil
  160. Pinnkie
  161. President 16
  162. President 40
  163. President 42
  164. President 43
  165. President 44
  166. President 45
  167. Preston
  168. Queen
  169. Ralph
  170. Raoul
  171. Red Cap Ben
  172. Reno
  173. Rick
  174. Riley
  175. Rob
  176. Rose
  177. Ross
  178. Seth
  179. Shamsia
  180. Shannon
  181. Smith
  182. Smitty
  183. Solana
  184. Spencer
  185. Stylus
  186. Terry
  187. Tess
  188. Thaissa
  189. The Cardboard Tube Samurai
  190. The Prime Minister
  191. Thiago
  192. Tiff
  193. Tiger Sam
  194. Tomiko
  195. Travis
  196. Troy
  197. Troy
  198. Uncle Honk
  199. Union Worker #42
  200. Victor
  201. Wanda
  202. Wanda
  203. Wanda
  204. Watts
  205. Wayne
  206. Will
  207. Yuka
  208. Yuri

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